NaPoWriMo Day 20, poem 22/30: Inspired by the most noble Washington, DC, tradition. It was originally going to be a sonnet, but the beginning wasn't working for me so I messed around with the form.
The Legacy of Admiral David Glasgow Farragut
O, Admiral Farragut, that great man,
I know not your tale of battle and fame
but I know the green grasses of the square
that so squarely wears your name.
I know all the trucks that ring you around,
blue, pink, orange, red, silver, yellow, green,
with their smiles, punny names, and aroma
so much to choose between.
O, Admiral, look down upon us all,
with your gravely carved eyes delight at once
at the suited throngs with their ready cash.
We're waiting in line for lunch.
Note: For those who don't know, this is in honor of Food Truck Friday (also called Farragut Friday), when many of DC's food trucks gather at Farragut Square. And I do actually know who Farragut is. He's well known for saying, "Damn the torpedos, I must get my CapMac."
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