Sunday, April 14, 2013

The League of Villainesses

NaPoWriMo day 14, poem 14/30. Totally forgot to write yesterday! Today's prompt is about superheros and supervillains, which intrigued me even though I have very little knowledge on the subject. I was googling female supervillains to try to find someone who interested me, but decided that my lack of superbackground made writing about a novice villain a good choice.

The League of Villainesses

This is the arsenal:
longbows and mascara,
whips, lipstick, machine guns,
a hairdryer that shoots flames.
Appearance is key
they tell me.
A villainess must be
a temptress. They show me
shelves of spandex
and leather, buckles,
rhinestones, holsters, let me
run my hands over anything
I desire. A villainess must
hold still they say
while they pin and paint me.
Feel the bile rising.
I am more I say as they
rouge my cheeks and crown
my hair with gold. We
are more they sing back to me
when we are together.

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