Thursday, April 5, 2012

Opening Night

NaPoWriMo Day 5, poem 7/30: Today's prompt was opening day of baseball. I'm not a big baseball fan and I actually just wrote a short story about baseball last night, but I had the idea to write about the opening night of a show and a special first in my life: my first love. I've been trying to write this scene for about 6 years now and I've never been satisfied with what I come up with. Finally, I think I've got it.

Opening Night

She has the paint
to cover up that virgin skin,
to rim soft eyes until they see
the last row,
to make her lips sparkle
From seventeen to showgirl
in all of ten minutes,
she is an oversized version
of herself, a character
that shares her name.
She beautymarks her cheek,
throws a handful of glitter
to the air
to catch on her hairspray
and her painted face,
to dust
my little black shoes.
I love you
is not in my dictionary tonight
so I won't say a thing.

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